ABOUT the Memory-Maker

"Impact is putting into form what the mind didn't know it was missing" -- Yours Truly

I approach Life with an equal measure of pride and zeal.
Widely-read and opinionated, I can be an engaging conversationalist to "break the Ice of the Enterprize".

Resolute in my pursuit of distinction, I seek to connect by serving up my perspective from behind my camera (and notably, orange spectacle frames).

I aim to turn ordinary locations that we see everyday into works of art to give my subjects something unique.
It is my perennial objective to be a photographer who takes good photos without having fancy set ups or relying on breathtaking scenery.

This is the site that is dedicated to my photography.
Sit back, chillax, share and appreciate what I see through my eyes, such is the quintessence behind what is my passion.


connecting with me
by email: orangemarcus@gmail.com

strictly by appointment only

22 September 2011

More content shortly... ...

I have not been uploading as much content as I would have liked lately due to my workload and also my persistent respect for my couples, i.e, that they should see their photos before the rest of the world does.

So, I beg your kind indulgence and promise that more of my works will be posted soon!